Detroit Training Center’s Summer Workforce Graduate Barbecue!
On the 15th of July, Detroit Training Center (DTC) held its summer workforce graduation barbecue. The event brought together graduates, current students, employers and community officials to network together! It was a beautiful summer day — we were honored to have a guest appearance from Mayor Mike Duggan. DTC’s President Marcus Jones gave the Mayor a tour of our training center. The Mayor also had the opportunity to chat with our students and share in their success!

Mayor Mike Duggan with CEO Patrick Beal and President Marcus Jones, The Mayor speaking with our graduates, Graduates, Students and their families enjoying the festivities. Attendees were treated to southern BBQ, music, games, and time with friends they had made during their training programs. Our President Marcus Jones stated: “This event provides an opportunity for employees to network with employers and members of the DTC family who are already working.” Graduates who are employed had a chance to network while others were able to meet with potential employers. This is the biggest event DTC has had since their grand opening in 2012. The event was a success, and DTC hopes to have more in the future. DTC wishes all of our graduates the best of luck in their new careers!